Role management

Role management

The possible actions on the platform are based on the assignment of roles to users (RBAC).

When the software is initialised, two basic roles are created: Administrator and Member

Employees must be assigned to roles and not directly to permissions.

Contents of this documentation:

Default roles

The permissions assigned to each of these roles are listed below.





Consents section

Searching in consents

Exporting consents

Consent template section

Creating a consent template

Activating a consent template

Generating a link to collect consent

Email templates section

Creating an email template

Processing operations section

Creating a processing operation

Requests section

Entering a request

Placing a request "in progress"

Responding to a request


Creating notes


Closing a request


GDPR response templates section

Creating a GDPR template


Managing the register


Managing parameters


Right Requests configuration section

GDPR whitelist


Data section

Connections section


Employees section

Managing employees


Roles section

Managing roles


Configuration section

Modifying the general information of the organisation



Managing visibility


Creating a role

Each role has a list of authorised actions. To create a new role and assign it to a member:

  1. Access the list of roles of the organisation in the Configuration > Roles menu;

  2. Click Add Role;

  3. Enter the name of the role. This wording must be unique;

  4. Enter a description of this role (optional);

  5. Assign the actions authorised for the role in the Authorisations panel by toggling the switch button to "YES";

  6. Click Save;

If you do not see the screen: access to role management is subject to authorisation.

Assigning a role to an employee

This action is possible from the role management screen.

  1. Access the list of roles of the organisation in the Configuration > Roles and Permissions menu;

  2. In the list of roles, click on the role you want to assign to the member;

  3. Associate or dissociate the employee from the role by clicking on the member to be added/removed in the Employees panel;

Assigning or deleting permissions linked to a role

  1. Access the list of roles of the organisation in the Configuration > Roles and Permissions menu

  2. Click on the role to assign in the list;

  3. Assign/delete the actions authorised for the role in the Authorisations panel by toggling the switch button to "YES" or "NO";

If you do not see the button: role management is subject to authorisation. Contact an administrator

To find out more