Managing cookie settings

Managing cookie settings

With the introduction of the GDPR, it has become mandatory to comply with certain requirements regarding the use and storage of cookies, which are considered as personal data.

Site managers and solution providers are obliged to inform Internet users and obtain their explicit consent before depositing cookies or other tracers. A record of these consents must be kept.

The law applies regardless of the type of terminal used and therefore concerns trackers placed on computers, smartphones, digital tablets and video game consoles connected to the Internet. The configuration of cookies as proposed by Fair&Smart takes into account the latest recommendations of the CNIL on the subject (automatic display of the "accept all" and "refuse all" buttons, for example).

Contents of this documentation:

The available parameters

The following global parameters can be entered:




Link to the privacy policy

URL of the page presenting the privacy policy.


Link to the "More information" page

URL of the page presenting the third party services used and requiring the deposit of cookies, justifying in particular the reason for their use.

Cookie name

Alphanumeric label; identifier of the main cookie as it will be saved in the users' browser.


Domain (optional)

Domain on which the generated cookies are applied.


Cookie validity period

Integer indicating the validity period of the cookie in months, between 1 and 13.


Reference (optional)

URL fragment identifier to manage the display of the cookie control panel via your own code.



Checkboxes determining the languages in which you can customise the banner texts.

French, English

Display an alert if an ad blocker is detected

Checked / not checked

Some ad blockers may prevent the banner and cookie control panel from appearing. Cookies are all considered to be refused by default.

Taking "Do Not Track" requests into account

Checked / not checked

These requests allow users to refuse all non-mandatory cookies by default, without even displaying the information banner.

Displaying the "Find out more" links of the services

Checked / not checked

If this box is checked, under each service in the cookie management panel, a link to the official page of this service is added, as well as the link to the "Find out more" page if it has been defined above.

Indicate the presence of mandatory cookies

Checked / not checked

This box must be checked if your site deposits cookies that are necessary for its proper functioning and therefore cannot be refused.

Listing cookies

Checked / not checked

When a user sets their cookie preferences, a button appears at the bottom right-hand corner of your site to give them easy access to the cookie control panel, if they wish to modify their responses.

If this box is checked, this button is accompanied by a second button allowing you to display the list of cookies associated with your site, each with a button to delete it.

Lifecyle of a cookie configuration

Listing existing cookie configurations

  1. Click on Right Consents > Configuration > Cookies;

Creating a configuration

  1. Click Right Consents> Configuration > Cookies;

  2. Click on New cookie configuration;

  3. Once the name and description of the configuration have been entered, you can save it at any time by clicking Save;

  4. In the Information panel, you can customise the content and behaviour of the banner and cookie control panel;

  5. In the External services panel, you can select the desired services, entering the necessary parameters if necessary; most services are accompanied by a short integration manual;

  6. In the Banner customisation panel, you can define the orientation of the banner (top, centre, bottom) and some labels (title, texts, button labels);

  7. In the CSS Style panel, you can override the default styles;

Once you have completed this step, you will be able to preview the banner by clicking on


Changing a configuration

  1. Access the templates by clicking on Right Consents > Configuration > Cookies;

  2. On the line of the template to be modified, click Edit;

  3. Customising the configuration;

  4. To save the changes, click Save;

Deleting a configuration

  1. In the list of templates, click Edit or click on the template label;

  2. Click Delete;

  3. Confirm the deletion;

If a page calls the code corresponding to the deleted configuration, no banner or message will be displayed.

To find out more