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Contents of this documentation:

Table of Contents

Components of a consent email template


An example of a rendering:


The consent email template creation wizard


The values provided as an example make it possible to obtain the following rendering:



mandatory fields are shown in bold, fields available in multilingual format are shown in italics.

“Information” section

Field name



Template name

Corresponds to the name of the consent email template, internal to your organisation. This name will not be displayed to the end user.

Marketing (example)

Template language(s)

Corresponds to the different languages of the consent email (possibility to make a multilingual email).

French, English, etc.

“Sending” section

Field name



Sender email address

Corresponds to the email address of the sender of the email that will be sent to the end user

Email subject

Corresponds to the subject of the email sent to the end user

Thank you for your reply!

"Title" section

Field name




Corresponds, in the body of the email that will be sent to the user, to the title of the email

Your reply has been taken into account

"Body" section

Field name




Corresponds, in the body of the email that will be sent to the end user, to the text that will be present in the body of the email

You have recently completed a consent form for the processing of your data.

To view or change your consent, you may, at any time, click on the link below:

"Link label" section

Field name



Link label

Corresponds, in the body of the email that will be sent to the end user, to the text on the button allowing the end user to access the consent form to which they have replied, in order to see their reply and modify it if necessary.

View or change my consent

"Footer" section

Field name




Corresponds, in the body of the email sent to the end user, to the text under the validation button.

Hope to see you soon on our app

“Signature" section

Field name


Possible values:


Corresponds, in the body of the email sent to the end user, to the signature of the email.

The sales team


  1. Make sure that all mandatory information is filled in;

  2. Click on the "Preview" area;

Customising the style

Your consent form can be given a style in line with your organisation's graphic charter.

  1. In the CSS Style section, define the style of the style of the different tags, insert icons, etc.;

  2. Click 👁 to preview the resulting form;

  3. Save;

Seeabovefor an example of CSS.

Translation management

In the Information section, select the desired languages.

For each of the chosen languages, complete the text in the language indicated.

Image Added

To hide/display only certain languages, click Form editing options.


Example - Tutorial (Step 2)

To go to step 1, click here.

Let's create a consent email template called "Marketing (example)", which will serve as the second step in our tutorial on the Right Consents product.


From there, click on "New templates" at the top left of the screen.


This takes you to the page for creating a new consent email template. It is materialised as follows:


Unlike the consent template (step 1 of the tutorial visible here), you will need to complete all the mandatory fields of the template before you can save it by clicking "Save". At this stage, the template is in draft form.

A consent email template consists of the following sections: Information, Sending, Title, Body, Link label, Footer, Signature, CSS Style. See above for the role of each section.

Let's start filling in the template fields. At any time, in the lower right part of your screen, you can have a preview of the consent email template.


For the "Information" section, the fields to be completed are as follows:

Template name: Marketing (example)

Template language(s): FrenchEnglish

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".


For the "CSS Style" section, which is entirely optional, you only need to insert a CSS style sheet, to correspond to your graphic charter. Find out more.

There we have it, together we have created a consent email template!

Once you have entered all the information, you can save the template. To be able to save a template, you must make sure that all the mandatory information on the form has been completed (the icons to the right of each section title must be grey). If this is not the case (one or more icons to the right of the section titles is/are red or orange), you must return to the section to modify or complete the information provided.

To find out more




