Versions Compared


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Field name



Template name

Corresponds to the name of the form template internal to your organisation.

This name will not be displayed to the end user.

Marketing (test)

Template language(s)

Corresponds to the different languages of the form (possibility to make a multilingual form).

French, English, Chinese, etc.


Optional name for calling the consent API. It allows you to manage the replacement of one template by another, without having to modify all the calls to the template. Find out more.


Used to categorise consent templates in order to filter them and therefore find a template more quickly.


Used to define the scope of access to the template. Find out more.


Consent email

template to use

For using the "Send consent email" feature. Allows you to link a consent email template to a consent template. Find out more. (see step 2 of the tutorial by here)

"Titles and application provisions" section


Once consent has been obtained, an email summarising the consent given can be sent to the data subject so that they can consult and possibly modify it.

See how to define a consent email template here.


To do this, go to the "Configuration" part of the menu on the left, and click on "Consent form". From there, click on "New templates" at the top left of the screen.


This takes you to the page for creating a new consent template. It is materialised as follows:


Once the name of the template has been entered, you can save it at any time by clicking "Save". At this stage, the template is in draft form.


Let's start filling in the template fields. At any time, in the lower right part of your screen, you can have a preview of the consent template.


For the "Information" section, the fields to be completed are as follows:

Template name: Marriage

Template language(s): FrenchEnglish

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".


There we have it, together we have created a consent template!


Once you have entered all the information, you can save the template and then activate it. To be able to activate a template, you must make sure that all the mandatory information on the form has been completed (the icons to the right of each section title must be grey). If this is not the case (one or more icons to the right of the section titles is/are red), you must return to the section to modify or complete the information provided.



Once activated, a template can no longer be edited.

After activation, you can generate a consent collection link (enter any identifier):


and post submission:


To find out more




