Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Your consent form can be given a style in line with your organisation's graphic charter.

  1. In the CSS Style section, define the style of the style of the different tags, insert icons, etc.;

  2. Click Ø to preview the resulting form;

  3. Save;

Customising the titles of sections

Each title of the form can be customised. Go to the Label edition section

Translation management

In the template Information section, select the desired languages. For each of the languages chosen, complete the text in the language indicated.

To hide/display only certain languages, click Form editing options.

Then select the desired display languages for editing the template.

When several languages are chosen, filling in a field, even an optional field, makes it necessary to fill in all the languages.

Activating a consent template

  1. In the list of templates, click Edit or click on the template label;

  2. If necessary, complete at least the required elements marked with a red icon;

  3. Click Activate;

Once activated, a template can no longer be edited.

Deleting a consent template

  1. In the list of templates, click Edit or click on the template label;

  2. Click Delete;

Only a "Draft" model can be deleted. Once activated, all templates are kept for as proof of enforceability.

Deactivating a consent template

  1. In the list of templates, click Edit or click on the template label;

  2. If necessary, complete at least the required elements marked with a red icon;

  3. Click Activate;

Consent form and emails

Once consent has been obtained, an email summarising the consent given can be sent to the data subject so that they can consult and possibly modify it.

See how to define a consent email template here.

The creation, activation, deactivation, etc. functionalities are subject to authorisation; remember to check your authorisations with your administrator

Linking an email template to a consent form

  1. Click on form templates;

  2. Select the template to associate with the consent email template, click Action>Edit;

  3. In the Consent email template choice list, select the email template to be used;

  4. Click Save;

An email template can be associated with a form template even after the form has been activated.

Editing the template is subject to authorisation; remember to check your authorisations with your administrator.

How to send an email after collecting consent

  1. Generate the collection Link from a template;

  2. Fill in the collection parameters:

    1. the identifier of the user concerned by the consent;

    2. the consent email: the address to which the email confirming the collection will be sent;

  3. Validate to display the consent collection form;

  4. Validate the form;

Example - Tutorial (Step 1)

Let's create a consent template called "Marketing (example)", which will serve as the first step in our tutorial on the Right Consents product.

To do this, go to the "Configuration" part of the menu on the left, and click on "Consent form". From there, click on "New templates" at the top left of the screen.

This takes you to the page for creating a new consent template. It is materialised as follows:

Once the name of the template has been entered, you can save it at any time by clicking "Save". At this stage, the template is in draft form.

As you can see, a consent template consists of the following sections: Information, Titles and application provisions, Processing operations - there is a basic one to be completed but you can add others - , Data controller, Validation button and footer, Other parameters, CSS style.

Let's start filling in the template fields. At any time, in the lower right part of your screen, you can have a preview of the consent template.

For the "Information" section, the fields to be completed are as follows:

Template name: Marriage

Template language(s): French

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".

For the "Titles and application provisions" section, there is a block of fields to be completed per language defined in the previous section. The fields to be completed per block are as follows:

Main title: Fancy going out to eat?

Title for provisions: I'm hungry, aren't you?

Application provisions: I suggest that we go out for a nice meal, that's good, I know a place that's not very far away, plus today they've got arancini on the menu.

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".

For the "Processing operations" section, and in particular at the beginning "Processing operation No. 1", the fields to be completed are the following:

Data related to the processing operation / Subtitle "Data related to the processing operation": However, I need your

Data related to the processing operation / Description of the data related to the processing operation: Unless I'm wrong, you never gave it to me.

Purpose(s) / Subtitle "Purpose": I can use it in the following cases:

Purpose(s) / Subtitle "Third party data sharing": I will send it to:

Purpose(s) / Purpose No. 1: to call you

Purpose(s) / Basis of consent of purpose No. 1: Main service

Purpose(s) / Purpose No. 2: to give it to a friend

Purpose(s) / Basis of consent of purpose No. 2: Third party sharing

Purpose(s) / Purpose No. 2 / Third party No. 1 / Name of the company: Jules-de-chez-Smith-en-face

Purpose(s) / Purpose No. 2 / Third party No. 1 / Description: The guy who lives across the street

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".

For the "Data controller" section, the fields to be completed are as follows:

Surname: Guy Michu

Telephone number: 0123456789

Email address:

Address: 11 rempart saint Thiebault 57000 METZ

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".

For the "Validation button and footer" section, the fields to be completed are as follows:

Validation button label: Let's go for that

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".

For the "Other parameters" section, which is entirely optional, the fields to be completed are as follows:

Page title: fancy going out to eat?

Once this section has been completed with the necessary information, click "Next".

For the "CSS Style" section, which is entirely optional, simply insert a CSS style sheet to match your graphic charter. For example:

.fsc-global-title {

border-bottom: 10px solid #2E64FE;

margin-bottom: 40px;

text-shadow: 4px 4px 30px;

font-size: 36px;

font-variant: small-caps


There we have it, together we have created a consent template!

Once you have entered all the information, you can save the template and then activate it. To be able to activate a template, you must make sure that all the mandatory information on the form has been completed (the icons to the right of each section title must be grey). If this is not the case (one or more icons to the right of the section titles is/are red), you must return to the section to modify or complete the information provided.

Once activated, a template can no longer be edited.

After activation, you can generate a consent collection link (enter any identifier):

and post submission:

To find out more

Managing cookie settings

Management of consent templates

Joining an organisation

User account management

Employee management