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Management of consent templatesConsent

“Consent of the data subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her."

(European Data Protection Regulation Article 4, 11)

The consent template configuration module offers your organisation the possibility of customising as much as possible the consent collection forms displayed in the user journeys, so that they fit into your environment, while respecting the recommendations of the French Data Protection Agency (CNIL) (Integration of the name of the data controller, the processing purposes, the retention period, the name of the recipient of the data, and the contact details of the service to contact to assert rights).


  • "Application provision";

  • "rocessing operations";

  • "Data controller";


mandatory fields are shown in bold, fields available in multilingual format are shown in italics.

"Information" section

Field name



Template name

Corresponds to the name of the form template internal to your organisation.

This name will not be displayed to the end user.

Marketing (test)

Template language(s)

Corresponds to the different languages of the form (possibility to make a multilingual form).

French, English, Chinese, etc.


Optional name for calling the consent API. It allows you to manage the replacement of one template by another, without having to modify all the calls to the template. Find out more.


Used to categorise consent templates in order to filter them and therefore find a template more quickly.


Used to define the scope of access to the template. Find out more.


Consent email

template to use

For using the "Send consent email" feature. Allows you to link a consent email template to a consent template. Find out more. (see step 2 of the tutorial by here)

"Titles and application provisions" section

Field name



Main title


Corresponds to the title of the form that will be displayed to the end user.

Collection of consent

Title for provisions

Corresponds to the title of the insert dedicated to the application provisions.



Application provisions

Corresponds to the content of the insert dedicated to the application provisions.

"Processing operations" section

Insert name

Field name



Data related to processing operations

Subtitle "Data related to processing operations"

Corresponds to the title of the section that must explain to the end user which of their data will be used for this processing.

What data do we use?

Description of Data related to processing operations

Corresponds to the description (in accordance with the principles of the GDPR) of the data used in the context of the processing.

free text

Retention period


The insert will appear in the form if and only if both fields of the insert are completed

Subtitle "Retention period"

Corresponds to the title of the section that must explain to the end user how long their data will be kept after processing.

For how long do we keep data?


Description of the retention period

Corresponds to the description (in accordance with the principles of the GDPR) of the data retention period in relation to this processing.


Subtitle "Purpose"

Corresponds to the title of the section that must explain to the end user the purpose(s) for which their data will be used in the context of this processing.

What do we do with it?

Subtitle "Sharing data with a third party"

Corresponds to the title of the corresponding section.

For this purpose, this data will be transmitted to:

Only displayed if data is shared with a third party (see Basis of consent), mandatory in this case.§

For this purpose, this data will be transmitted to:

Description of purpose No. 1

Corresponds to the description (in accordance with the principles of the GDPR) of the purpose of the use of data in relation to this processing.

Basis of consent for purpose No. 1

Marketing, Main Service, Enhanced Service,

Research and Third party sharing

References of associated processing operations


If the reference already exists (see "Processing operations" tab - link to be added), it can be selected, otherwise it adds a new processing operation reference.

It is possible to add several purposes to the same processing operation, but it is also possible to add several processing operations to the same consent template.
